Adelajda Matuka

Participation in Research Projects

Research experience



  1. Yuzhao, W., Onwe, J., Haseeb, M., Saini, S., Matuka, A. (2022) Role of technological innovation,  renewable and non-renewable energy, and economic growth on environmental quality. Evidence  from African countries. Frontiers in Energy Research  
  2. Masudul, A., Hussain, R.,Matuka, A. (2022) Interest rate sensitivity of demand and effectiveness  of monetary policy: fresh evidence from combined cointegration test and ARDL approach, SN  Business & Economics, Springer, Vol.2, Issue.7,  3. Kumari, B., Ayam, H., Fatih, Ch., Matuka, A., Mishra, P., Vani, GK. (2022) Impact of agricultural  exports segmentation on economic growth in India, Indian Journal of Economics and Development,  The Society of Economics and Development, Vol.18, Issue.1, pp.163-168  
  3. Matuka, A. & Asafo,S.S. (2021), Effects of Services on Economic Growth in Albania: An ARDL  Approach, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Taylor and Francis, DOI:  10.1080/09638199.2021.1910723  
  4. Mishra, P., Matuka, A., Abotaleb, M.S.A., W. P. M. C. N. Weerasinghe, Karakaya, K. and Das, S.S.  (2021), Modelling and forecasting of milk production in the SAARC countries and China,  Modelling Earth Systems and Environment, Springer,  6. Matuka, A. (2020) COVID-19 Outbreak and US Economic Policy Uncertainty: An ARDL  Approach, SSRN Electronic Journal,  7. Asafo, S.S and Matuka, A. (2020) An agnostic analysis of exchange rate movement in Ghana,  The Economics and Finance Letters, Vol. 7, No.1, pp.1-12.  
  5. Matuka, A., (2019) Exchange rate pass-through to prices: Var evidence for Albania, International  Journal of Business, Economics and Management, Vol. 6. No. 5, pp. 303-315.  9.Matuka, A., (2019), Bank credit to the private sector: VECM approach for Albania, Journal of  Economics and Political Economy, Vol.6, Issue.2, pp. 159-171.  
  6. Asafo, S.S and Matuka, A., (2019). External Debt and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan  Africa: A two-step GMM Approach. International Journal of Business, Economics and Management,  Vol.6, No.1, pp 39-48.  
  7. Matuka, A and Asafo, S.S, (2018). External Debt and Economic Growth in Ghana: A co  integration and Vector Error Correction Approach. Theoretical and Practical Research in the  Economic Fields, Vol.19, No.1, pp.45-53  

Other publications:  

Matuka, A., (2022) List of ECB’s unconventional monetary policies from 2008 to 2018, DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.35415.34722  

Under peer review  

The dynamic relationship between Domestic Stock Returns Volatility and Macroeconomic factors  of Investment: Evidence from South Asian Countries (Under peer review at Frontiers in  Environmental Science, section Environmental Economics and Management)  COVID-19 Spillovers in China, Italy, UK, and US: A GARCH (1,1) Approach (Under peer-review  at Indian Economic Review, Springer)

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